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We are introducing our offer of motor fuel – car petrol and diesel fuel to you, which we produce in our oil refineries in Kralupy nad Vltavou and Litvínov and ship from the terminals of both the refineries, from Čepro storage facilities and Paramo storage facilities. Our fuel grades meet the European standards EN 228 a EN 590, the Ultra product range is enriched with special additives that enhance the key utility characteristics. See the table of availability of individual products from the shipment terminals.
List of distribution places

​​Terminal ​BA 95 ​Ultra 95 ​BA 98 ​NM ​Ultra Diesel ​NM clas​s 2
​ČEPRO Střelice bullet_28x28.png bullet_28x28.png bullet_28x28.png bullet_28x28.png bullet_28x28.png
​ČEPRO Loukov bullet_28x28.png bullet_28x28.png bullet_28x28.png bullet_28x28.png bullet_28x28.png
​Nové Zámky bullet_28x28.png bullet_28x28.png bullet_28x28.png bullet_28x28.png bullet_28x28.png
​Trebišov bullet_28x28.png bullet_28x28.png bullet_28x28.png bullet_28x28.png

Customer Service Department

Order placement – 7 am - 2 pm on working days​


Business contact

Ing. Rastislav Trecák 
Head of Fuels Department​

Ing. Martin Mališ
Sales Representative​​​​


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